Welcome to my blog!

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Welcome to my blog!

I will post in a stream of consciousness type of format. Wherever the wind takes me. Ha! My favorite flute related subjects are fundamentals, teaching, tools and anything fun along the way. Enjoy!

Fundamentals for the day!

Fundamentals for the day!

One of my favorite method books is Vade Mecum by Walfred Kujala. I discovered this book through my flute teacher. I use it most days but it is especially great on the days I feel a little aimless. He is so thorough and takes you through various exercises in all keys. Today’s menu is C Major and minor. It usually takes me around 25 minutes which is the perfect amount of time when I’ve got a full day of rehearsals and practice ahead. I will show you step by step how I use this book. Enjoy!

The following pages numbers correspond to the second edition.

  1. page 13-14(C Major and minor), with the metronome at a tempo that everything can be executed accurately. For an extra challenge, I omit m. 24, 32, 47, 62 & 69 to segue into the next exercise.

  2. page 31, m. 1-15, written articulation, a slow to moderate tempo. Accuracy is most important. C diminished as written and repeat 8va. c minor as written and repeat 8va, C Major as written and repeat 8va, C augmented as written and repeat 8va.

  3. page 33, m. 1-5. Very slowly, smooth beautiful intervals

  4. page 34, m. 1-14, Seventh chords, same concept as #2 triads.

  5. page 37, m. 1-16 follow the metronome marking. I like to use a tuner

  6. page 38, m. 1-43. I usually play through this a few times and each time increasing speed.

  7. page 47, m.1-48, repeat each measure, excluding the fermata.

  8. page 62, m. 1-26, one continuous slur and even intervals

  9. page 67, m. 1-38, continuous slur and repeat each measure.

  10. page 72, m. 1-25. C major then repeat in any (or all) form of c minor.

  11. page 76, m. 1-30. repeat each measure except the true trill measures (repeat is written out)

  12. page 79, m. 1-15. any articulation. m. 1-7 then repeat 8va. m. 8-15 then repeat 8va.

  13. page 81, m. 1-14 same as #12

  14. page 83, m. 1-14 same as #12 and #13 no 8va on inverted

  15. page 85, beginning to m. 110. all slurred

  16. page 90, Letter A-M, written articulation

  17. page 103, m. 1-42. repeat each measure excluding dotted quarter

  18. page 113, m. 1-7

  19. page 116


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