A Tale of (traveling between) Two Cities
If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me “how I do it” when it comes to frequent travel, I could take a very nice vacay (ironic).
I am a frequent traveler between Kansas City and Dallas (among many other cities) and it can be exhausting. With a distance of over 450 miles, traveling between the two cities can take up a significant amount of time and energy. However, by incorporating a few efficient and anxiety-reducing practices, you can make your trips much more manageable. Here are some tips that can help make your travels as smooth as possible.
I keep my toiletries permanently in my travel bag: Toiletries can be a hassle to pack and unpack for every trip. Instead of doing that, consider keeping your travel-sized toiletries in your bag permanently. This way you won’t have to worry about forgetting essential items, and you’ll save time packing.
I park in the same area at the airport: If you’re driving to the airport, find a preferred parking spot that you can use every time you travel. This will save time and reduce the stress of trying to find a parking spot when you’re in a hurry. And also, having to remember only one parking area as opposed to it changing every time.
Space saving: I have a collapsible water bottle: Just like my toiletries, this stays in my travel bad. Staying hydrated is essential, but carrying a bulky water bottle can take up a lot of space in your luggage. A collapsible water bottle is a convenient option that can save space and reduce hassle.
Have a travel “uniform”: I wear the same outfit 95% of the time when I travel. I can sleep well the night before knowing that my clothing option is already planned. Instead of spending time picking an outfit I can channel my anxiety elsewehere, ha! Wear something comfortable that you’ve worn on previous trips. This way, you’ll know what to expect in terms of comfort and fit.
TSA Precheck: TSA Precheck is a service that allows you to go through security faster by skipping some of the usual security measures. This has been a lifesaver. You will not have to remove your shoes, belt, or light jackets. You can leave your liquids and electronics in your bag. Saves a lot of time!
Dress for the weather of your destination: This can be risky but it is worth it for me. Check the weather forecast for your destination and dress accordingly. I don’t want to pack my bulky coat when it will be 80 degrees at my destination.
Leave your coat in the coat: To elaborate on my previous point, lugging clothing you do not need is a waste of valuable space in your luggage. When I am traveling from a colder city to a warmer one, I take the risk and leave my coat in my car at the airport (or home if I have transportation to the airport).
I set two alarms: I have so many anxiety dreams the night before a flight about not waking up on time. These days we all have many ways to set different alarms. I make sure they are on 2 different devices to ensure that I wake up on time. This will reduce the stress of oversleeping and missing your flight.
Airpods are my best friend: Airpods are a great tool for reducing anxiety during travel. Any sort of sound reducing device be it headphones, earbuds, or even good old fashioned earplugs. This reduces the noise of chitter chatter and screaming children for a more relaxing flight!
By incorporating these practices into your travels, you can make your trips much more manageable and stress-free. Remember, the key is to plan ahead, be prepared, and stay organized. Safe Travels!